Friday, November 6, 2009

How can i teach myself to do a waltz jump (on ice skates) without lessons for it?

i just got back into skating and i wanted to learn a waltz jump. the best jump tht i can do now is a bunny hop. i have a friend who can easily show me, but i wanted to show her after i learn so she will wonder how i learned to do it since she has been teaching me all of the tricks tht i know. please tell me very easy steps tht i can do on my own on igure skates. thank you.

How can i teach myself to do a waltz jump (on ice skates) without lessons for it?
start out skating backward, lift up your left foot a little bit, raising it behind you,

Turn a little bit, followign your left shoulder and hop onto your left foot.

Take it slow, small, low foot work and keep practicing.

Or- if there are little girls skating around the rink that look like they know how, ASK them. They would think it was pretty cool to be able to teach someone older
Reply:stand at a barrier with you right foot on the outside.. left foot near the barrier--- then holding on (but still standing still) swing you right leg back and pass it through.. hop up just like a bunny hop but turn backwards and land on the right foot (the foot you swung through..) you can use the barrier to get the idea of the motions down.. then try the blue line (or any line will do) and do the same thing.. (IF you Already know how to skate backwards you can try it form that after you mastered it slowly this way!!!!) best of luck.. e-mail me if you want
Reply:The easiest way to describe a waltz jump without a demonstration is that (if you are righ handed), glide forwards on your left foot and hop to backwards (1/2 turn) landing on your right foot. You can get more advanced starting backwards etc but to start just stand still and give a little push onto your left foot. When turning make sure you turn counter clockwise. I've had kids that like to try to rotate the other way...let's just say it doesn't work too well!

If you think about your bunny hop, you glide on your left foot and kick your right foot forward to jump. Well for the waltz jump you are going to kick that foot forward and turn at the same time. Good luck!!
Reply:I read other answers that people have put and i advise you not to do the first step that everyone has put. I have skated for about 10 years so i know what i am doing. The first time you try to do it you should be doing it by not skating backwards. The first step is to stand on the blue line on the ice. Make a T out of your ice skate. put your right foot all the way face right and you left facing forward put the heel of your left foot right in the middle of your right. Then you put your arms together your fist against your chest. Then push your left foot forward and push in a half cicrle to the left. Then once you have done this move on to jumping. Set up the same but instead of pushing jump up and turn to the left. The rule of jumping is up and out. so when you jump follow through with you right leg so have your left foot planted and you right foot will lift up and then turn backwards. To do this ont he ground will help you develop muscle memory. Once you have That just practice pulling your arms in tight and once you land on your RIGHT foot exstend your left to have a good clean ending. Remember when you jump to put your left foot over your right. Once you do good with that then you can try it by going backwards. And thats how you do it!! If you want to know how to do other things just ask some one who you can go and skate with. But lessons really will help!!
Reply:it matters which foot u start off with. but i will just say right, from gliding backward pick up ur right foot but keep on gliding. after around four seconds make a t position with ur right foot in front and start gliding on ur right foot and pick up ur left foot (kick it into the air) and land on ur left foot. if u need any help on it u can email me
Reply:to start from a standstill:

1. stand with you left foot infront of your right foot forming a T and hold your arms straight out in front of your body

2. push with your right left and allow the outside edge of your let skate to move forward and push your arms back and bend your left leg .

3. lift your right foot and jump up while you pull your arms in. make suure both legs are straight in the air and make a half turn

4. land on the outside edge of your right foot

to start with backwards crossovers:

1. skate backwards

2.glide backwards on your right inoutside edge

3. step forwards on your left outside edge and push your arms back

4. follow steps 3 and 4 from the standstill position

its sorta hard to describe with out giving a demonstration

i would advise you to try the standstill method because it is much easier.


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